Modern Arnis / Mano Mano for children and young people

Kombatan is a Filipino martial art (FMA) that includes techniques with and without weapons. Training with weapons starts from the age of 16.

Our Arnis training for children and young people at Dojo Fudoshin includes fall and roll school, self-defence techniques in standing and on the ground, a few throws as well as all the techniques of Kombatan, which are practised with both right and left hands. To train the mind as well, we will teach values such as respect, patience and togetherness.

This martial art offers good conditions for children and young people to improve their coordination and athletic skills as well as their general fitness. It is possible to join the training at any time. No previous knowledge is required. Beginners are welcome.

Do you have any questions about Modern Arnis/Kombatan for children and young people or would you like to take part in taster training?

Contact and info for taster training: ModernArnis/Kombatan (children/youth)